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  • Anudeep Bhatnagar

Omnichannel Strategies to Augment Customer Delight

Creating better customer experiences demands customer-focused strategic planning of their shopping preferences. An omnichannel market strategy offers several benefits to delight customers:

· Ability to shop through any channel and pick up in-store, as well as have products delivered to home or any other location. This is the core of an effective omnichannel supply chain strategy. Variety and options define customer experiences.

· Customized shopping experiences to meet specific customer expectations individually. For better inventory management planning, the best way is to know when customers will order products, what they will order, and how the goods are required to be delivered. Defining these variables in inventory forecasting and collecting the data from all channels, builds personalized experiences, meeting customers’ specific needs.

· Real-time visibility of Inventory, preventing carrying costs from soaring and reducing the amount of losses due to spoilage. Successful businesses must carry Just-in-Time Inventory through excellence in their day to day operations. Omnichannel Strategy must include process optimization tools to achieve its objectives.

· Retailers can serve more customers utilizing Omnichannel Supply Chain effectively which is crucial for scalability during peak seasons. Omnichannel means less congestion at brick-and-mortar stores, which means you can serve more customers at the same time and push more sales through multiple channels.

· Shoppers see better pricing of products and added savings. Since omnichannel supply chain strategies depend on efficiency throughout the supply chain, price points should decline. This leads to more purchases, satisfied customers, further competition and greater savings in day to day operations.

Few years ago, omni-channel strategies would have seemed absurd. But it’s the norm today, most shoppers hit multiple touchpoints before making a purchase.

Limiting yourself to one or two channels and lacking the seamless integration among them, it will be detrimental to your long-term growth. These tips should serve as a take-off point for your Omnichannel Strategy.

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